There are four main types of sales, and each requires a different personality and skill set. Howard Stevens, CEO of The Chally Group, has identified four primary types of sales and the ideal type for each. If you’re looking to land a new client, consider this sales approach. Transactional selling is the easiest type to master, and it works well when a buyer has no complex needs. You’ll have the best success in this type of sales if you understand your prospect’s pain points and understand their situation.
Relationship sales entail building a relationship with the customer. This method is highly dependent on the relationship between the salesperson and the customer. The order taker, on the other hand, assists buyers to purchase something after viewing it in the store. There’s little personal contact, and the compensation system is not dependent on a sale. In both types of sales, the salesperson’s job is to help the customer make a decision.
Proactive consultants are complex and misunderstood. While many people prefer a consultative salesperson, this approach is often the best for a time-sensitive offer. Proactive consultants tend to be outgoing and extroverted, and are usually confident in their ability to close a deal. Regardless of the style, salespeople who are aggressive should avoid presenting offers to prospects who are slow to make a decision.
Demand creation training is essential to the success of the inside sales strategy. Many B2B organizations offer services and products with latent demand. Others, on the other hand, offer specialized software for a niche market. These types of products and services often require demand creation, so it’s worth training your salespeople to understand the organizational change that will follow. However, demand creation is important no matter what type of salesperson you are – inside or outside the company.
Bully selling is another type of sales approach. Bullies have the tendency to bully people into buying a certain program. This type of selling is more likely to succeed in fast-paced industries, like advertising. A salesperson who uses this tactic can sometimes say anything to get a customer to purchase. A bully salesperson may even try to force their customer to buy something just because they can, no matter what. This type of sales is best suited for companies that have large numbers of employees and proprietary work.
Affectionate consumers are the most common type of buyer. They’re more likely to buy from you if you can demonstrate empathy and trust. They’re also likely to value the opportunity to connect with you and build a relationship. Affectionate consumers can be more relaxed than more traditional buyers. They also tend to be more open-minded and look for innovative solutions. However, be aware that there is no perfect type of consumer – there’s always someone out there that’s a little bit more like them.