The goal of any business transformation is to improve the performance of your organization. To do this, you must first create a culture of continuous improvement that will ensure that employees will be motivated to work harder and smarter. This can be achieved through a number of ways, such as improving communication and connecting performance metrics.


If you are looking to improve your company’s performance, it’s critical to establish effective business communication. Effective communication can make a big difference in how fast your business gets to where it’s going. When you communicate effectively, you build trust and motivate employees to work together. You can also earn promotions and attract new talent.

Businesses from every sector need to find new and innovative ways to survive in today’s digital economy. The best way to do this is by improving the processes you use to engage your customers. Using tools like Clariti, an online messaging platform, can help you collaborate with your team.

A study conducted by Watson Wyatt found that half of the average turnover of US employees is due to poor business communication. Companies that suffer from lack of effective communication are more likely to have low employee engagement and customer satisfaction.

Employee buy-in

The key to successful and inspiring business transformations is employee buy-in. A change of this magnitude requires a major shift in employee capabilities and mindsets over the long term. To get buy-in, leaders must explain the changes that are being made and why. This will also boost team members’ commitment to the new strategy.

Companies with a history of success are better at getting their employees on board. These organizations report a consistent level of communication around changes, clear roles and responsibilities, and a strategic approach to talent management. They also have more frontline staff who are engaged and visible in the company’s new way of doing business.

However, not all business transformations are equal. Seventy-eight percent of transformations fail to achieve a positive outcome. That is alarming news for business leaders.


If you want to succeed and inspire business transformations, culture is one of the most important factors to consider. Culture plays a key role in driving employee engagement, which in turn drives greater customer loyalty, profitability, and growth. However, it can be difficult to achieve a culture that satisfies all the needs of your organization.

As a start, you’ll need to define the culture that your organization wants to foster. This can be done in a number of ways. One way is to ask your front-line employees. The answers they give can help you better understand the current behaviors of your employees. You can also ask newcomers to the organization.

Once you’ve defined the culture you want, you can begin to change it. To do this, you’ll need to create a roadmap for the cultural change.

Connecting performance metrics

When it comes to connecting performance metrics, the best way to go is to do it right. This means focusing on the big picture instead of a singular focus. In this case, you are more likely to get your desired result when the entire team is on board. Keeping employees onboard requires a multifaceted approach. While the aforementioned trifecta is important, employees will need support in ensuring they are equipped to handle the changes. Fortunately, there are tools and tactics that can help. The most obvious are employee training and compensation, but there are many more nifty ways to engage employees.

What’s a better way to do this than by empowering frontline employees to own a portfolio of small lean operations projects? Aside from the obvious cost savings, it also allowed these workers to deliver projects faster and more efficiently. They could also better leverage those savings to fund their own organic growth ambitions.

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